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Three 45-60 min classes/wk


Each class builds upon the last


45-min specialized individual assessment (*not included in team pricing)

12-weeks to optimize the way your body moves

Learn how your body was meant to move + most importantly FEEL how it moves when you’re in FLOW of moving efficiently… how it’s intended to.


This program is a series of classes that gradually progress, building session to session and week to week. There's lots of undoing of crappy movement patterns, learned compensations, and just overall bad neuromuscular "habits" that have caused layers upon layers of imbalances. Tracy has done all the complicated work for ya, now all that's left is to fire up a video + follow along. It's quite freeing to trust the process, now, isn't it?
ProgressION through PHaseS
Get off the roof if you haven't finished the foundation yet.

My goal is to give you the resources + awareness within yourself to excel far beyond what you thought was possible. 

FOUNDATIONS: Weeks 1 to 4

Setting the Stage for Optimal Movement

45-60 minute flowing classes to introduce:

– Developmental kinesiology-base positions (based on DNS)
– Better cues for how to properly + more efficiently integrate the core + how to create expansion with breath
– Proper hinge technique 
– Pelvic floor activation
– Controlled Articular Rotations (CARs)
– PAILs, RAILs, + other mobility techniques

PROGRESSION: Weeks 5 to 8

Building on the Foundations, Introducing Progressed Drills, Optimal Movement Patterns, + Mobility

45-60 minute flowing classes integrating + focusing on:

– Full Body Mobility
– Integrating developmental positions into more complex movement patterns
– Making muscular connections within specific drills + exercises
– Introduction to “No Energy Leaks”

INTEGRATION: Weeks 9 to 12

Bringing it All Together While Focusing on “No Energy Leaks” Through Transitional Movements

60-minute flowing classes that promote deeper neuromuscular efficiency while also focusing on:

– Full Body Mobility, with special attention to hip mobility, thoracic mobility/stability, pelvic/hip independence
– Introduction to vision training while in balancing positions + flowing movement
– Full integration of all concepts, flows, exercises and movement patterns from the first 8 weeks
– This final stretch contains specialized classes for: improving active ROM, no energy leaks, + more.

RESULTS Speak for themselveS
~ around weeks 4/5 guys begin to have movement epiphanies"

~ around weeks 8/9, more than 75% of guys throwing off the mound have noticed at LEAST a 2-3 mph increase, many upwards of 5+

~ 100% of hitters see significant gains in the weight room + in power output
~ 100% of hitters increased their HR rate

~ 100% (!) That means every.single.hitter hit more bombs after doing the 12-wk Mobility Series
but seriously, have you seen the stats?
Post '21 season stats were compiled + analyzed by a retired pro baseball player who holds a
Harvard Master's degree with a specialty in statistical analysis.
Click "GET ACCESS" for special price in cart.
3 payments
3 Videos/wk for 12 wks
New Class Drops Every M/W/F
45-min 1-on-1 Zoom
Biomechanics Assessment
All Classes are Video On-Demand
Most Classes are 45-60 mins
4-wk BONUS Individualized
Program re: Assessment
Weekly Live Zoom (starting in Nov)
paid in full
save $223
3 Videos/wk for 12 wks
New Class Drops Every M/W/F
45-min 1-on-1 Zoom
Biomechanics Assessment
All Classes are Video On-Demand
Most Classes are 45-60 mins
4-wk BONUS Individualized
Program re: Assessment
Weekly Live Zoom (starting in Nov)
20 players
$5.20/class​ per player
3 Videos/wk for 12 wks
New Class Drop Every M/W/F
All Classes are Video On-Demand
Most Classes are 45-60 mins
2 Live 30-min Zoom Check-ins
in Week 3 + Week 7
Biomechanics Assessment
Weekly Live Zoom


Built on proven biomechanical movement methodologies

Proven results

Marked improvements tracked via 2021 season MLB + MiLB stats

pro-level coaching

Sought by clients from 25/30 MLB teams. Featured on MLB.com


Enhances benefits of all other training, instruction, programs.



Create expansion where you’re unproductively compressed, discover how different this feels


Ribcage position affects throwing; easily learn how to integrate on + off the field so it becomes automatic


How a proper hinge can increase power transfer from the lower half (especially for pitchers)


Maximize energy transfer through optimal structural + muscular alignment + firing


How to correct poor movement patterns + harness max power through transitional movements


Physical therapy-based functional movement focusing on improving athletes’ complex dynamic movement patterns through systematic neural mapping
Foundations of classical Pilates to enhance the body’s ability to increase proximal strength and stability through dynamic tension and precise movements to heighten body awareness while achieving more efficient distal mobility
DNS Active Exercise positions to train core stabilization as a prerequisite for the ideal throwing stereotype and supporting function for the ipsilateral pattern during the throwing motion
Vinyasa Flow Yoga based in Physical Therapy (called LYT)
Training the transitional space between positions allowing for less energy leaks + optimal FLOW
Highly effective improvement + strength in active end-range strength and control using proprietary components of Functional Range Conditioning and Kinstretch (CARs, PAILs, RAILs, hovers, lift offs, passive range holds)
Postural Restoration Institute's (PRI)methodologies interwoven directly into the program
Creating space in vertebral alignment with ELDOA postural exercises.
Cutting edge concepts from Conor Harris + Bill Hartman re: ISA/expansion/compression integrated throughout
Positive mindset language, visualizations, breathing techniques and kinesthetic awareness subtly and expertly woven throughout and within every single movement for PSNS activation, subconscious focus + natural flow in the present moment
And a kick-ass instructor, Tracy, who’s semi-engaging, occasionally funny, and a stickler with an eye for knowing how to best help you succeed


Much More Efficient Energy Transfer + FLOW
Improved Stride Length + Shoulder Layback
Better Hip to Shoulder Separation
Faster Recovery Time
Greater Power Output
Better Thoracic Mobility, Stability, + Lumbar Stability
Throwing + Hitting Mechanics Improve by Default
Pitching Velocity + Control
Hip Mobility, Stability, + Active ROM
Shoulder Stabilizers, Scaps, Serratus, Ext. Obl Chain
Deep Core: Pelvic Floor to Shoulder Girdle
Groin, Adductor Strengthening + Mobility
Ribs + Pelvis Alignment, Posture

Mobility series

This series is a progression, which means new moves, cues, positions, and drills, etc are layered class-to-class and week to week. No two classes are the alike and while the beginning of most classes have a similar structure (foundational work in low bridge and core), it’s not easy to describe “a typical class” because this is the only program of its kind.

It has the flow of a Pilates/Mobility/Yoga class rolled into one with a whole lot more… and that’s an understatement.

Classes include a very distinct culmination of movements, poses, exercises, and drills specifically designed to re-train your brain and body to move more efficiently and more powerfully than you ever have.

Classes include familiar fundamentals of Classical Pilates, Functional Yoga, Developmental Kinesiology, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), Postural Restoration Institute (PRI), along with NLP interwoven with vision therapy, insight meditation and random song lyrics and jokes built right in for your enjoyment.

The short answer is yes. The longer answer is working it around your game and throwing schedule.

If you’re a starter, I wouldn’t suggest doing an “energy leak” or “active ROM/FRC” class before your next scheduled start to be mindful of not wearing yourself out. The FRC classes are amazing right after a game, though, when you’re already warmed up and loose. 

I created an In-Season Mobility Subscription that includes a bunch of shorter classes as well as pre-game warmups, post game recovery, Pilates, Functional Yoga, Active ROM, full classes and other classes perfect for in-season.

Definitely me, too. I hugely prefer to learn 1-on-1 as a student of this type of work, yet somehow fell into an entirely virtual business. How about that?

I mention this to give you confidence you’ll quickly recognize you won’t need me and what you learn needs to come from your insight and awareness within your own body.

Trust me, I get the need for hands-on, so what’s cool about this series is the combination of you providing tactile feedback throughout the entire class with my very creatively specific and effective cueing, it’s like having your very own in-person instructor right there with you.

For those who would like occasional check-ins to ensure you’re on the right path, I encourage you to hop on my schedule for periodic 1-on-1 Zooms.

Even though we wouldn’t be in person, my clients will tell you how they’re repeatedly surprised I can spot teeny tiny compensations and inefficiencies while eagle eye watching through the computer.

These classes not only complement all training you’re already doing, but they also greatly enhance the benefits of your strength program.

The foundations you learn in the Mobility Series carry over into all exercises in the gym, giving you more awareness in the quality of movement.

Depending on your training program, these can be done alternating days, they can also be done after your lift.

I’d suggest doing the classes after throwing.


Great question you’ll have to mostly rely on trusting yourself, your body, and your intuition to let you know how you’re feeling. The #1 priority is to always listen to your body.That being said, I’ve had clients do both depending on the type of class and their pre-game, pre-throw routines. I generally recommend doing the classes after throwing vs. before because some of the classes you are WERKING the shoulder girdle stabilizers more than others and I’m not there in person to discuss all the factors that go into making that decision, therefore … I recommend after.

No*, they are all pre-recorded videos you access through my website. 

* For the upcoming Off-Season 12-Week Mobility Series starting the 1st week of November, each week there will be a 20-min flow class (or new drills not in the video classes).

After the class you’ll be able to chat with me on video with any questions or to see if your form is correct.

Depends on what your goal is.  If you’re here to make a profound, lasting change… it’s best to follow the program as it was created. Each class introduces something new, whether that be an exercise, movement pattern, new cue to be mindful of, or a sequence of exercises. If you skip a class, you’ll be missing part of what solidifies new, more efficient movement patterns, neural pathways, motor learning, etc.

Rarely. I have offered early-bird pricing in the past for the original Mobility Series, which may continue.

Scholarships and partial-scholarships are available on a case-to-case bases for extremely committed players who demonstrate the dedication,  need and have a “pay it forward” mentality of supporting others and being a light for others to look up to.

Please email me at tracy@mobilitychick.com if you are in a special circumstance. No guarantees.

Email me at tracy@mobilitychick.com as soon as possible.

I want to ensure you are taken care of and able to go through the full program. If you know ahead of time you’ll be traveling or there is a previous commitment that may prevent you from sticking to the exact schedule of the Mobility Series, please let me know and I can manually adjust the amount of time you have access to the program.

Depending on where in the series that falls, I may even suggest a slightly altered modification of getting back into the swing of things i.e.) repeat week 1, then repeat the last class you left off with before moving on.

It’s easy to navigate through, but please let me know asap.